Top 10 Breweries I Want to Visit


We’ve all got our wish lists — beers we want to drink, books we want to read, famous people we’d like to have a meal with. (Robert Downey Jr. and Elizabeth Gilbert, I’m looking at you!)

Here’s my brewery wish list — the top 10 spots I want to visit, grouped by the reason why. (As if I need one, am I right?!)

Don’t be shy — I want to know what’s on your wish list too!

Image (Photo credit: weeklydig, via flickr creative commons)

Because their brews fascinate me

Because I love their beers already

Because they came highly recommended

TRVE Brewing Co.

Because I’m a sucker for an awesome logo

So what breweries are you most excited to visit? You know what to do — comment, comment, comment! 🙂

** Be sure to like Books, Brews & Booze on Facebook, pin like a fiend with me on Pinterest and follow Triple B on Twitter! **

14 thoughts on “Top 10 Breweries I Want to Visit

  1. I’m not a beer drinker, but as a legal resident of Michigan, I should encourage you to visit Bell’s Brewery in Kalamazoo. They’re Two Hearted beer is consistently highly rated and from what I hear, the brewery is a ton of fun as well.

    If I had to pick a brewery to visit, I would pick Lindemans. Because I like their Lambics.

  2. I have fond memories of Cristoffel blond, but haven’t been able to get my hands on it in ages. So it’s on my wish list.

    I’m also looking forward to trying the Hazelnut Cream Stout by Whaler’s Brewing Company, which is getting ready to open in Westerly Rhode Island. I’ll be giving that one to my husband as a gift because he used to bring me Hazelnut coffee when we were dating (more than 20 years ago).

      • Where all the best people come from! 🙂 And you’ve definitely won the “most romantic comment of the week” award!

        Hazelnut for the husband? So, so sweet! What a thoughtful gesture – it’s those seemingly little things, like bringing someone coffee, that stick with us because they’re special moments that mean something more.

        Love, love, love.

      • I’ve so often been on the receiving end of those thoughtful gestures, for 20 years, that I’ve started to pick up the habit. He’s quite a guy and very creative in the thoughtful gesture department. Which makes me a lucky lady.

        I’m glad you enjoy a romantic little love story. It’s hard to talk or write about long-term love without coming off as self-congratulatory and syrupy. But I think life is best when it comes with a daily dose of sweetness.

  3. Cigar City Brewery was on my list until I happened upon them one day (and blogged about). My new targets are Allagash, Dogfish Head, Big Boss, and Stone. I have been to one of Dogfish Head’s pubs but not the brewery itself. Big Boss I was in the parking lot but they weren’t open yet.

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